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Connect with contractors looking for products you sell.
Receive real-time estimate requests from subcontractors bidding on projects.
Get directly in front of decision-makers in early project planning stages.
Know where you and your team are at every stage of every project.
Automatically uncover leads and find the ones that are right for your business with easy-to-use filters, including project type, building use, ZIP code, distance and more.
Reach out directly to architects, developers and owners that have projects in early planning and design phases — over 99% of our projects have detailed contact information.
Get into the consideration set early, so you are ready to go when the project is funded and open for bids — and develop solid relationships that pay off short- and long-term.
The General Contractor Directory is a database of over 55K general contractors in the PlanHub network, which you can filter to match your desired criteria. Message them in-app, and see posted projects that specify products you or your competitors sell.
Subcontractor DirectoryThe Subcontractor Directory contains over 400K subcontractors in the PlanHub network, which you can filter to match desired criteria such as trade or location. View their active projects, share estimates, or message them directly in-app
The Project Dashboard shows a high-level list of projects that are relevant to you. Filter results to match your criteria, so you quickly find products you sell within project documents.
Filtering OptionsDrill down to find the projects you want. Available filters include trade or subtrade, geographic location, status, and more.
Project DetailsView and share estimates with subcontractors who are interested in a project, download plans uploaded by general contractors, and view and place bids.
No more guessing if a project needs what you are selling — now, you can search by keyword, scan through project documentation and know exactly which projects to approach.
Search for projects by product category, product/brand name, or competitors’ products. Keyword search finds your keyword, even when inside project documentation, including PDF files and more.
Preferred Keyword SavingSave preferred keywords for future searches, and receive automated notifications when new projects are posted that contain your chosen keywords.
When your company matches newly posted projects, you’ll receive ITBs automatically via email, with a convenient link to respond directly in the app.
Inbound Estimate RequestsReceive real-time inbound estimate requests from subcontractors bidding on projects.
Bid Planner makes it simple to track all of your project leads at any stage of the process. No more clunky spreadsheets and folders—or information that you have to spend valuable time looking for. It’s all organized, it’s all there.
Team Member Assignments
Prevent duplicated effort and wasted time by selecting a team member to be responsible for each bid.
Unified project view
See all of your projects in a single, easy-to-scan view. In progress, submitted, awarded and won—each list has its own tab from left to right, so the big picture always stays in focus.
Discover the user-friendly, powerful solution that simplifies project estimates, offering all-in-one wall and area tools, ortho features, seamless project uploads from outside sources, a rich cost item library, assemblies, customizable cost formulas, and effortless precision in your bids. Try it free and optimize your project workflow.
The most trusted end-to-end preconstruction platform – simplifying preconstruction for everyone.
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1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.
Suite 300
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
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Stay informed of events, news and promotions.
Expand your network and connect with general contractors, subcontractors, owners, architects, and suppliers – not to mention thousands of relevant projects at your fingertips.
Generate relevant leads, faster and with precision. With access to private, hard-to-find projects, you can connect with architects and owners on projects still in the pre-design and design stages.
PlanHub’s advanced suite of bid management tools allows you to increase productivity, identify relevant projects using data, build bids with Takeoff, and manage bids through the entire process.